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Reason For Customer Short Pay


From: [Name of supplier]


[Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr] [First Name of receipient] [Last Name of receipient]
[Title of receipient]
[Company of receipient]
[Address of receipient]
[City of receipient], [State of recipient] [Zip Code of receipient]

Dear [Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr] [Last Name of recipient]:

We recently received payment from you for our invoice # [Invoice Number], Thank you. However we were unable to determine why there was a short pay. Below please tell us the reason for the short pay so that we may review our records and determine if the short pay is acceptable.

Thank you.

Accounting Department

Amount of short-paid $ [Amount of short-paid]

Reference # [Reference Number]


Reason for short-paid ____________________________

Check payment $ _______ Check # _____
VISA account # ________________
Mastercard # ________________